VIA FORMSPRING: I hear you've started to give advice, re, dating and relationships. I understand you're a socialite but I'm interested in your personal credentials. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What're your areas of expertise? How did this come to be?
Okay, yes, I have started an advice blog - but it doesn´t necessarily revolve around dating and relationships. My personal credentials? Hmm, that´s a tough one to answer because it´s basically marketing/selling a product. That product being myself.
Here we go...
- I have a sound understanding of Body Language and Personality theories.
- I am vain as fuck, so any advice on fashion/hair/makeup from my perspective will earn decent results.
- I have a decent amount of friends and experience in being both very popular and an outcast.
- I´m a rather compassionate person, even though at times I like to act as though I am heartless.
- I am passionate and stand up for what I believe in.
- I love setting challenges for myself, and completing them.
- I am an outgoing person, and opinionated, but at times I am quite shy.
- Sometimes I am way too opinionated.
- I never hold grudges when I should.
- I am an evil bitch.
I saw you gave a boy advice on asking a girl out. Can you write that, but for a girl...
Girl! This is easy!
Just be casual, cute and chat to him. You don´t have to go in, eyelashes fluttering and cleavage staring him in the face. Just be nice, establish a mutual interest and make conversation.
90% of boys are simple - he´s either into you or he isn´t and if he can´t fucking decide, then he isn´t worth it.
You need to decide whether you want to hook up with him or be his girlfriend. Any guy around our age will be looking for an easy lay. You need to decide whether you want to be a one night stand, or go home and meet his mum.
Hooking up is one thing almost every female knows how to do, and most of the time we don´t even have to make the effort to do it. ie. You are at a party, everyone is a bit tipsy, and he walks over to start a conversation: You are already half the way there. You just have to go with it, feed off social cues and decide if he seems attracted to you or not.
NOW, if you want a relationship you need to establish a few things.
1. Is he commitment phobic?
Newsflash, who isn´t to some degree? Haha.
Is he known for being a ¨player¨ or constant two week relationships or is the the humble, long term relationship type?
2. Does he have good morals/ideas?
Everyone, in a relationship, needs to establish whether they agree on a certain moral code. There is no point in wanting to date a boy who believes in sex before marriage, and practices it, if you are a strict Christian and have taken a vow of abstinence. If you both don´t agree on those really important issues, than the relationship is moot from the start. No sense in being a Neo-Nazi and dating someone who is Jewish if you both hate each others ideals, if you understand what I am saying?
3. Is he respectful?
Seriously, if he doesn´t treat you the way you want to be treated, then why the heck are you even considering him? Teasing is fun, yes, but the whole Treat ´em Mean, Keep ´em Keen thing is disgusting. Sure, it adds to the thrill of the chase, but do you want to build a decent relationship with someone who chases cheap thrills? Oh, fuck, I wouldn´t.
4. Does he know what makes you tick?
Nobody else can decide that but you, hun. If he gets to you, in a ´oh this is bad, but SO good way´ then yes, he does know what makes you tick. If he excites you in the way most girls know what I am talking about, then the answer to this question would be yes.
5. Is there a mutual attraction?
It doesn´t necessarily mean a magnetic pull that makes you feel like you´re on fire and all you want to do is rip your clothes off and fuck him on the floor, but attraction is NEEDED in relationship.
6. Is he flirting or just being nice?
So many girls ask me this shit. ¨Does he like me or is he just being nice?¨
Sure, flirting/cat and mouse is fun for a while - it´s great. But if you still don´t know after a really long time, ask him straight out. ¨Do you like me?¨
Simple, and so what if he doesn´t or you end up freaking him out? Then you obviously weren´t meant to be with him... o.o
This stuff may not work for you, it´s just my opinions on things, okay?
Also, my friend James Roberts will be answering all of the questions I get from a males perspective. :)
Till next time! xx
ReplyDeleteJust finished Miss Trashcan.
Good shit.