Von Trash

Von Trash
This is art.

About Me

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I am a living contradiction, an extroverted apathetic human with a narcissistic twist. My general interests are gore, teapots, misanthropy and anything in the Avant Garde category.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I woke up about five minutes ago and I am currently sitting on the couch in my underwear. I made a decision last night, I want to be addressed as Kiny from now on. I won´t accept anything else. I am Kiny Von Trashcan. I am hoping to get my ears pointed soon, as I oddly see myself as some woodland creature. Something like a pixie or nymph.

Today I have no on the agenda really, just a hang and maybe a bit of shopping with one of my best-friends. I want food. I´m craving Subway or Sushi. Mmmm, sushi is good. ^_^

I also feel like candy. Candy is good, too. Wow, Oprah is depressing today. It´s about a lady who was given HIV by her husband because he had cheated on her with other men. Ew, what a creeper.

I want new piercings. I´m not too sure what I want. I am so indecisive today. Wow, I am feeling hyper.
I really want to get some new bars and needles, so I can pierce other people and myself. I have a few people lined up, I just want my clamp that I ordered online. >=] Eh, I think I have whooping cough. Also, my wisdom teeth are coming through so I have splitting pain when I eat & a damn ear ache. This is not my month! >=[

La la la la la la la la la la la. Hungry.

Gigantic bow I got for Valentines Day -->

With love,

Kiny VonTrash

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