Von Trash

Von Trash
This is art.

About Me

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I am a living contradiction, an extroverted apathetic human with a narcissistic twist. My general interests are gore, teapots, misanthropy and anything in the Avant Garde category.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I've noticed, in my amazingly short life, that friendship and loyalty mean different things to everybody. I was raised with the idea that you give the world for your friends and you're with them "till the end". My veiws were swiftly changed in the 9th grade when I was introduced to the art of backstabbing.

I too, I must admit, have sculpted and perfected my own social techniques over time. When I was fifteen, and I say that like it is so very long ago when in actual fact it isn't, I was at the peak of my manipulative, backstabbing period.

Being a bitch to the people around you is only fun until the people around you leave. When you have something that is fine to begin with, destroying it doesn't seem to be as amusing when you understand what it is like to be alone.

1 comment:

  1. its amazing how friendship meant so different when you were little. once u grow up, u rarely have that friendly assurance around other people.

    sorry, i couldnt help but comment when i realized u were following my blog.
