Von Trash

Von Trash
This is art.

About Me

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I am a living contradiction, an extroverted apathetic human with a narcissistic twist. My general interests are gore, teapots, misanthropy and anything in the Avant Garde category.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day one.

Hello potential readers; I am Taylor Trashcan.

I have decided to write a blog because I'd rather post my innermost thoughts to the entire world then confide in a friend.

I suppose a little information about me would help...
My favorite colours are red and grey. I am interested in art, music and personality theorists.

I dislike it when people shout or when people are rude. I prefer winter to summer and don't like the sun very much at all.

I have a fear of the dark and of being alone.

Sometimes I wish I could set up my own little house on a secluded snowy island and wither away pathetically. Either that or have a house made of fibre glass with cute pink flamingos out the front.

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