I´m not having a good week mentally. A lot of self esteem issues and low points. Probably due to my recent escalation in substance intake. Too much cheap wine and not enough Endorphins! D:<
My plan is to do heaps of exercise this week and eat really well so I can balance myself out. I also want to have less cigarettes and less bad food. It´s not good for my vitality or appearence so I don´t understand why I´m still doing it. Argh.
Otherwise, I´ve had an exciting week. Dinner with Ashh on Friday was lovely, as it always is with dear Ashley Weston :) I ordered this sushi plate that I expected to be the size of NORMAL sushi, but it was like FREAKISHLY HUGE sushi and I could only chow 4 out of 8.

I look like a complete dude in drag in this photo but I don´t care. :P Note my teal backless leotard (favourite clothing item) and GIANT leopard print bow. I was going to the 80´s look, I think. Especially with my brand new red blazer in my lap. Power dressing >;D
Anyways, so after Ashley and I went for din dins, I went back to Ballina and met up with Karli dear. We were having a bit of a low time so I suggested we go to Hungry Jacks, buy some coke and listen to lame hip hop music. We ended up sitting in the car park till about midnight like really classy people :|
Lastnight Karli and I dressed up as goon fairies (because we were drinking goon - aye der) now, I think Karli and Brad thought I was insane as fuck when I started cutting up cardboard boxes and laughing evily. Especially when I attacked Karli with sticky tape. I had fun >;D

Tralalalalala <3
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