Lastnight was a big one. Lots of alcohol in the cute lil´ hometown of mine called Byron Bay. Whenever I go there on weekends or for shows, it makes me realise how much I actually miss living there.

My night in a nutshell
I got back to Ballina around midnight and then continued my drinking with Carlee in town for a couple of hours. I got home at around 3am, where Bradley and James were listening to sad songs and drinking lots of beer.
I pierced James´ eyebrow on the other side, had some beer and then pierced my upper lip on the right side - giving myself angelbites ^---^
Carlee, James, Brad and myself all ended up in the one bed, talking about who was the stinkiest and how the Broncos should have won. None of us know how football works, nor are we fans, but: GO THE BRONCOS! >_<
James left at about six in the morning, as we were all falling asleep, and Carlee, Brad and myself slept peacefully till around 3pm. I awoke with a pounding headache, new piercing and in boys pajamas. Carlee and I went and got food and lazed around in bed till about 8pm. At 9pm we both met up with the loverrrrly Montana and Julia, to which I pierced Montana´s septum and continued on to meet up with some of her friends. We all sat out the front of Hungry Jacks till around midnight, drinking slushies and talking about Dildos. :|
Now I am in bed, Brad is asleep and Montana is snoozing on the floor. I´m listening to Emmure and have nothing to do. I am considering going to bed sometime soon. Maybbbbbeeeeee o.o?

Angelbites. Not very ouchies or swelly like this time.
Lots of lovey love! x
ur stinkeeey :/ wash your stinkeyness with soap that isnt stinkeeeeeeeey like u